From the word “jumbo”, you can already predict it has to be something big. It indeed is. Jumbo lump grade crab meat particularly comes from large-sized crabs. It implies the large chunks of meat acquired from the large muscles of the crab’s powerful swimming legs. Furthermore, this meat can be considered the premium version of crab meat, consisting of big lumps of white meat from the crab’s legs without any shell or cartilage. 


98% of the crabs are exported from the coast of China, and the U.S. is the largest importer of crabs around the globe. This meat comes from various crab species, such as the Blue Star Jumbo Lump Crab, caught from the Philippines. Colossal crab meat, also known as Mega Jumbo Lump, is the meat from intact, unbroken pieces of the blue swimming crabs and blue crabs. One-third or more of total U.S. crab catches are from the Aleutian Islands, the Bering Sea, and the Gulf of Alaska.

Health benefits of jumbo lump crab meat

Not only this meat, but all types of crab meat are full of nutrients. It is rich in proteins and some essential vitamins and minerals.

The amount of protein present in those large chunks of lump crab meat is high enough to build and maintain strong muscles. Crabmeat is also rich in omega-three fatty acids, which helps in lowering triglycerides and reduces blood clotting, thereby preventing the risks of heart blockages and other heart diseases. It is also responsible for brain development. People suffering from anemia due to vitamin deficiency do not possess sufficient healthy RBCs and experiences fatigue. Crabmeat contains Vitamin B12 and folate (Vitamin B9), which helps prevent anemia. Studies show that people who eat crab at least once a week have fewer chances of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Selenium present in crab meat plays an essential role in the metabolism of thyroid hormones and the functioning of the immune system. It strengthens the human’s antioxidant defense system by blocking damage to cells and tissues. Crabmeat also contains Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), which helps produce steroids and RBCs.

How is jumbo lump crab meat sold in the market?

Crabmeat is processed and then made ready to be sold in cans and containers. First, it is cooked, then cleaned and pasteurized, and at last, is packaged into cans. The crab meat sold in the United States is obtained from different crustacean species and is primarily available in U.S. supermarkets. You can even buy fresh or frozen crab meat instead of canned, although it has less flavor. Fresh crab meat refers to those crab meats, which are steamed or boiled, then they are put into plastic containers and finally sold over ice at the market. Usually, the canned meat is pasteurized to free it from bacteria and increase its shelf life. But the flavor of fresh, unpasteurized crab meat is also outstanding.


One pound of lump crabmeat can cost up to $37. Jumbo lump crab meats are more expensive. The price range according to the quantity is given below: –

Jumbo Lump Crab Meat / lb. – $65. 99. Jumbo Lump Crab Meat – (3 lbs. ) – $179. 99.

Due to the pandemic scenario, the price range of jumbo lump crab meats has risen. In addition, news reports reveal that due to the rapid increase in coronavirus cases, there’s a lack of inventory and a shortage of crab meat supplies. Hence, the hike in crab meat prices.


Jumbo lump crab meat is enjoyed worldwide for its giant size, impressive white color, and delicate taste. Although expensive, it is packed with many vital nutrients and vitamins necessary for maintaining good health.  

What is the longevity of jumbo lump crab meat available in the market?

Fresh crab meat or the one that has been pasteurized crab meat lasts up to two to three days if kept in the refrigerator. However, unopened pasteurized crabmeat can have a shelf life of one month when stored in the fridge.

What’s the difference between jumbo lump crab meat and other crab meat?

The large chunks of this meat come from the legs of a crab, is white, and can entirely be presented on the plate, whereas super lump and backfin crabmeat are the meat obtained from the back body of the crab. Those are intact and suitable for making crab cakes. Claw meat obtained from crab’s claws and swimming fins is dark pink and has an intense flavor.

Which is healthier? Canned crab meat or fresh crab meat?

Canned crab meat is pasteurized and cleaned well before packaging. On the other hand, fresh crab meat is boiled and steamed. So both are healthier.