All of the Vivienne Westwood bags are made in Italy. The confirmation can be found inside your purchased item which will contain a leather tab inside that would say ‘Made in Italy’. Most of the popular designer bags are made in Italy as they’re renowned for their excellent craftsmanship in manufacturing items for fashion brands. While purchasing a luxury bag, it’s important to check where it was made rather than choosing one based solely on its appearance. 

The place where it was manufactured will determine how long that bag would stay with you. Bags that are made in Italy tend to stay on top of the game as it prides itself on producing one of the finest leather available worldwide. Some of the most popular brands such as Gucci, Fendi, Prada, and many more choose to manufacture their products here. 

Italian bags tend to stand out amongst their competitors as it offers comfort, style, elegance, and durability all at once. People who want to choose quality and a striking appearance at once often pick a bag made in Italy. Vivienne Westwood has many collections of gorgeous and elegant bags to choose from. There are a wide variety of different materials used while crafting every bag, so you can find one suitable to your taste while enjoying the promised durability of Italian craftsmanship.

‘Made In Kenya’ By Vivienne Westwood

This project was launched in 2010 in order to promote ethically made clothing around the world. Vivienne Westwood’s ‘Made In Kenya’ products are specially designed and crafted to support an important cause and it’s been going strong since its launch. It’s a special artisanal product that encourages its consumers to shop reasonably and ethically as it’s one of the major concerns surrounding the world right now.

An initiative like this by a well-renowned name in the fashion industry was a huge step towards the ethical consumption of luxury items amongst the current generation. In the past decade, Vivienne Westwood has collaborated with multiple artisan groups to help them find a more suitable way of making their daily wages while promoting the importance of sustainability. Westwood doesn’t hide these products behind her main brand but rather includes them just the same to promote more awareness of her cause.

The ’Made In Kenya’ assortment of products include a wide range of handbags, backpacks, and tote bags.

Ways To Differentiate Between An Authentic Vivienne Westwood Bag And A Copy

Since Vivienne Westwood is a luxury British designer brand, it’s no surprise that there are tons of copies available on the market. Because of how advanced the industry has become in copying luxury items and replacing the finely textured items with cheaply manufactured ones, it can get hard for consumers to find the difference after just a single look. 

Most of the time, it can take a while to tell whether a bag is a duplicate or not. There are some methods that you could try out if you want to authenticate whether your Vivienne Westwood bag was truly made in Italy or somewhere else.

The first and foremost way to check whether your bag is legit or not is to see if it came with an authenticity card. This card is provided with all original Vivienne Westwood bags. Check reviews if you’re buying it from an online reseller. Oftentimes, if they have a luxury bag on sale, there have to be multiple reviews regarding their authenticity. Don’t consider buying from new resellers. Ask for photos if you’re purchasing from an online reseller. This way you can closely observe the current condition of the bag and asking for images from various angles will confirm that the re-seller indeed possesses the real bag. If you’re already in possession of a Vivienne Westwood bag and you’re doubting its authenticity, the best option would be to go to your nearest store and let the staff verify it for you. If there isn’t a store available near you, there are plenty of fashion forum blogs available online that can help you authenticate your bag.

Are Vivienne Westwood Bags Worth It?

Vivienne Westwood’s bags carry a sort of timelessness and cult following which has made them highly relevant to the current generation as well. The bags are manufactured with utmost care and many holders of VW bags have praised their durability. Compared to other luxury designer bags in the market today, Vivienne Westwood bags are much more affordable than its competitors while being just as elegant. Many might argue that it’s way too expensive for the way it looks, but the craftsmanship put into the product is what truly determines its price. This is one of the main reasons why products manufactured in China are much cheaper than the ones manufactured in Italy.

Where Can I Purchase Authentic Vivienne Westwood Bags?

It can get tricky to purchase an authentic Vivienne Westwood bag from an online reseller. Although they may provide a bunch of proof and have loads of positive reviews, a certain doubt might still linger in your mind regarding its originality. To avoid that hassle and go through a bunch of check-ups online, your best bet would be to purchase it from their online store or the offline store itself.


A genuine Vivienne Westwood bag would not only look expensive but feel expensive as well. It’s easy for dupes to match the designs crafted by luxury brands like these but it’s the material that makes it truly worthy. These beautiful bags are manufactured by some of the best artisans in Italy, determined to make you feel good while holding them in your possession.