Using systematic methods to make the bags is a great way to guarantee good accuracy. That is the reason all plastic bags are manufactured by machines rather than by hand.

Plastic bags are made all around the globe, although the majority of them are made mostly in the United States, Germany, and Australia. Because the production procedure takes numerous processes and necessitates the use of machinery at factories, typically the establishments are quite massive. Most of the plastic bag production is mechanized. Plastic sheets are made into the handbags that people use while shopping and transporting groceries as well as other things using a system of pulleys, grinders, and slicing equipment. 

Battle of Plastic Bags 

The battle about plastic bags has been on for far too long.  They are practical containers that are easily portable, recyclable, and sanitary. On the other side, even though they are not biodegradable, they impact negatively on the ecosystem. We find Cotton bags and believe that they are safer to use all around the globe.

While you may assume a more positive outcome from a procedure that begins spontaneously, this is not the case. This is due to the fact that additional processes and items are included during the process, which gives plastic bags a bad reputation when it comes to disposal.

Process of Manufacturing the Plastic Bags

They are created by a technique known as blown film extrusion. Polyethylene pellets are heated, compressed into a slender substance, and then made into handbags. The steps include

Loading polyethylene particles into a crusher. Which helps in further insulating the particles into micro substances. The particles are subjected to pressures and temperatures to volatilize the polyethylene. Then the liquid polyethylene is blasted upwards through a continuous cylindrical vessel using a method known as the extrusion process. As the plastic vessel cools, massive bearings straighten it into a thin layer of plastic. Slice the plastic to the required thickness. Again, when the plastic has been cut, it is rolled up into one large roll. The plastic is then printed using liquor ink. the next step involves shaping the plastic into the required handbag configuration. A heavy compression punch is used to form the straps by puncturing individual sacks at the top. Heating the opposites side of two plastic sheets form a plastic bag as they are punched by a compressing machine


They have many qualities as they are enduring to weighing heavy material as well as ductility. Many grocery stores have now switched to plastic bags because of their strong nature to handle commodities. The qualities may include


These are cheap and are the perfect choice for a regional supermarket owner to use for their day-to-day customers rather than using paper bags as they may be expensive compared to plastic bags.


These bags are comprised of a pliable substance that enables some movement. Because the frames of plastic shopping bags are not stiff, they may accommodate a wide range of objects.

Well Built

These bags may handle heavy weights depending on the merchandise. These bags are an excellent alternative for supermarket chains because of their toughness. They can hold a variety of items that an individual shops in their day-to-day life.


Sometimes when shopping it might not be a lucky day for some people as the weather may strike you with some rain. In that case, the commodities bought are safe within the plastic bags as water cannot penetrate through them.

Environmental Impact

Because plastic bags are such a presence in everyday life that it is easy to overlook the damage they cause. Plastic bags have exploded in popularity and are a default choice at almost every supermarket checkout counter. But the problem is that the cheap price doesn’t account for the environmental cost of using plastic bags.  It is estimated that the United States alone throws away 1 billion plastic bags annually and only a fraction of it is recycled. In general, we see plastic bags scattered in public, but the problem goes beyond that, most of these plastic bags make their way into the oceans where they are reshaped by the heat of the sun and converted into microplastics,  and are consumed by the marine life as well.


Having many industries around the globe play a significant role in manufacturing plastics bags. These bags may be harmful to the future of the world but as time goes by new inventions take place now and then to process the harmful effects done by it efficiently. Plastic bags play a vital role in the present era and with their help, it is very easy to handle and travel with heavy merchandise.

What is Plastic made up of?

The plastic bags we use every day are made from granules of linear polyethylene resin that are melted and combined with the linear polyethylene with another low density one in a mixer.

How do plastic bags and other plastics substances end up in the ocean?

Most of the plastic polluting global oceans originate on land: by weight, eighty percent is the plastic transferred from land to seawater by streams or beaches. The remaining twenty percent of the surveyed plastic study shows that it originates from marine equipment used for fishing or wrecked vessel.

Where is the majority of plastic manufactured?

China is the country that exceeds the rest of the countries in the world in terms of plastic production. It solely contributes to producing almost 72 million metric tons of plastic annually.

Does plastic bags pollute the environment in general?

Plastic bags contribute to pollution on a very large scale followed by plastic bottles that not only pollute the land and seawater/ocean but also go onto polluting the air. The toxic particles that are present in the plastic are heated over time by the sun and are hence deformed through which they eventually evaporate and have adverse effects on the quality of air that we as humans breath.