Shadow Legacy is currently in development and not yet released. We will update you as soon as it is!

Shadow Legacy is coming out on August 9th, 2019.

Shadow Legacy was released on November 3, 2017.

The next operation in Rainbow Six Siege is called “Bunker”, and it’s set to launch on February 17th. In Bunker, the team has to take down a mysterious bunker located in the heart of the map.

Shadow Legacy ended on July 6th, 2016.

Aruni came out in R6 on September 26th, 2018.

The Rainbow Six update is currently scheduled for 7pm EST on February 3rd.

Yes, the new rainbow season is out!

Yes, Operation Neon Dawn is currently in progress.

The new secondary has the following operators:Plus (+)Minus (-)Equal (==)Not equal (!

There is no clear answer to this question as both wamai and Jager have their own strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the best decision for someone depends on their specific needs and preferences.

Mozzie can hack up to 500 drones.