Along with a reveal trailer, Supergiant Games also released some exciting new information about this latest project. From the looks of it, the game will continue to put a strong emphasis on a deep and compelling narrative, but will also attempt to capture a new style of gameplay that is different from Supergiant’s previous two titles.

Pyre will feature:

A new party-based system.  The game includes a wide cast of characters that you can choose and blend to create different teams. Fast, action-packed combat. A world map with impacting decisions.  According to the studio, there is a strong focus on players making important decisions during their adventures. Aesthetically pleasing visuals.  Like the previous titles, Pyre brings back those gorgeous visuals we’ve grown accustomed to. A unique experience.  Supergiant Games emphasizes the fact that the game will be “unique” and “different. " While it may blend some similar elements present in Bastion and Transistor, the final product will offer a new playing experience to overall.

I mean come on, just look at it.

I’m confident that Supergiant Games will release yet another hit game. I fell deeply in love with the story and art-work present in both Bastion and Transistor. If they can capture that same feeling, and accompany it with a new style of gameplay — more engaging and exciting — then I’m all for it. 

Check out the reveal trailer!