What to do with old TracFone’s? Here Are Some Ideas.

Set up home security – One of the best ways of making use of your old devices is by turning them into a home security device. With this, you can check on your home security whenever you are away on work or a trip, as well as respond to anyone that comes to the door using your old phone. This is an excellent way of keeping users of your old Tracfone.  

Use it as a baby monitor – If you do have a family, including a newborn baby, you can use your old Tracfone to monitor your baby while it sleeps. Instead of having to purchase a new baby monitor that you would only use for a few years, it is perfectly fine to use your Tracfone for the same purpose that gives you the same results.  

Learning tool – What do we use our smartphones for the most these days? I would say that we use our phones to read a lot of content more than anything, so why not turn your old Tracfone into a reading device for your children, this will keep that busy reading on topics they find interesting without having to spend a lot of money on a kindle or an iPad.  

Donate your Tracfone – Although you won’t make much use of your Tracfone if you were to donate it; however, it would benefit the less fortunate greatly if they were to have a phone they can use. Donating your phone to someone in need will cause them a lot of happiness and it may be used for a longer time than you had used it for.  

Sell your Tracfone – Even though this may seem like the most obvious option, not a lot of people think of selling their Tracfone as they think they may not get a lot of money for it and no one uses it anymore, but you may be wrong about that because there is a lot of demand for of Tracfone’s simply due to the extra usage and parts you can get out of it. So go ahead and list your Tracfone on the web and you’ll be surprised by the response you get.  

Switch it into a music device – Turning your old Tracfone into a music device is a splendid idea. This is because you can download and subscribe to a lot of music apps for the google play store, so you won’t need to carry your primary phone around when working out at the gym and wanting to listen to music. You could also use the phone to listen to music while on a jog and not worry about it getting damaged or stolen.  

Back-up cell phone – Another great idea for your Tracfone is to use it as a backup or emergency device. This could work well if your main phone is out of charge or facing some issues that are stopping you from making urgent calls or texts.  

Use it like a camera – If you do own a Tracfone that has an in-built camera, you can use this as a device to take and store all your photos. This will save a lot of memory on your primary device for more important information.  

So the question What to do with old TracFone’s? is now clear with the above points.


 there are multiple ways in which you can use your Tracfone as stated above. From setting it up as a baby monitor to using it as a security device or a secondary phone, your options are unlimited. 

How much can I sell my old Tracfone for? 

Depending on the model and usage of your Tracfone, it can be sold for up to $500. 

Can I sell my Tracfone at Walmart? 

Walmart does offer customers the service of being able to trade in their old Tracfone, but you will not get as much money if you were to sell the phone on your own. Walmart currently offers from $100 to $300 for the trade-in of your old device. 

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