If you are a health care fanatic or someone who believes in healthy living and healthy life, you are probably someone who frequents places like Whole Foods for your daily shopping and basic runs. You must be well-known for all the details that explain why whole food is so distinctive, even though its prices are slightly higher than those of its competitors. However, if you enjoy eating a lot of junk food like pizza and French fries, you are probably oblivious of all the benefits that you are depriving your body of by not considering eating healthy food, and you are probably wondering what

What is exactly so unique about whole foods?

Since the 1980s, Whole Foods has been selling natural, organically farmed, and fresh products. They were organic long before it was fashionable, long before anyone was aware of or concerned about it. In terms of quality, they go above and above the FDA’s requirements. 

Hydrogenated fats, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial colors and tastes are all absent from their fruits and vegetables. They were the first supermarket shop to label all GMO-affected foods in 2013.

This is the uniqueness that they were doing things that make a difference like being organic, selling meeting the terms of humane animal standards, and focusing on sustainability way before it was in trend. Maybe the prices of whole foods are so high because they are so picky about what they will sell or use and what they will not.

Core values and motto of whole foods

One of the reasons for the uniqueness of whole foods is their cultural core values and motto of how they will serve their customers and on what terms they will run their store. Their motto – “Our purpose is to nourish people and planet” and “Whole foods, whole people, the whole planet” Their motto screams that they are not here to change their intentions of serving the community and the planet any time soon.

They believe in:-

selling only high-quality foods, an outstanding and astonishing customer service, and ultimate satisfaction of customersTeam members’ growth and employee happiness. Creating profits with prosperityAnd always caring about the well-being of our environment and community.  

Do whole foods help the community?

Yes. Whole foods have and are still helping the community more generously than any of its competitors. Whole foods’ motto and mission always keep them motivated and keep going. This implies that communing helpings under the mission motto “whole kids, the whole planet, whole cities”

Their mission under the term “whole planet” is the alleviation of poverty. They provide microcredit to the most destitute poor to create or expand a business and try to lift themselves from poverty

Their mission under the term “whole kids” is to improve the lives of kids in school. They provide cooking and nutrition lessons for kids and school teachers. They also provide salads for healthier eating for kids and subsidized school gardens.

Their purpose termed “whole cities,” is to improve community health and nutrition in a variety of ways.

Whole Foods has pledged $50 million to support communities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. They sponsor several groups that follow the same principles of community development and growth.

Under the term “5% days,” Whole Foods donates to food pantries and shelters. They donate 5% of their net sales to local nonprofits and educational organizations on certain days.

Why expensive foods of whole foods are worth the money?

Many organic retailers say that their products are free of this or that, but in truth, they are just slightly better than any other store-bought alternative. Whole foods, on the other hand, has a list of substances that are not allowed in its store. 

They are health-conscious because they understand the importance of food in our lives. It’s always preferable to pay a bit more and eat well than to pay less and eat poorly. As the saying is one should always be “penny wise and pound foolish”

Whole Foods Market isn’t simply another grocery store that claims to be organic, benefit the community, and provide excellent service. They are a mission-driven firm that focuses on providing a healthy environment for their customers, one that is not boring to shop in and that drives their customers to care about the environment and the climate problem.

Is it simple to land a job at Whole Foods?

No, being employed at WF isn’t easy; they often have a large pool of applicants for each job.

Do whole foods test for drugs?

Yes, they test for drugs. They employ a conventional 5-panel urine drug test to detect the presence or absence of five of the most often abused drugs.

Is it necessary to have a membership to shop for complete foods?