Some pixelated games are actually pretty amazing and are mostly indie and RPGs, such as the early Kingdom of Hearts for the RPG category and Ib or Misao for the indie games category; so I guess saying that the visuals make the game awesome is kinda false.


Now if a game has both, of course it’s better than having one of these two–like Skyrim, and I know that companies are trying to match both which is for our own good.

There are of course the MMORPGs which are growing in population everyday like Aion and World of Warcraft that have both good graphics and storyline but unfortunately it doesn’t take to long for the story to end and you just have to complete side quests to keep leveling up.

Either way, my opinion is thatjudging a game from its graphics is not accurate because you never know if its storyline and the messages it could send to someone would be useful to you.