The game works by utilizing something many refer to as the green line test.

As per this test, a couple’s relationship elements and who is in control can be surmised from the manner in which they stand close to one another, particularly while taking pictures.

The whole web-based conversation was disproved by non-verbal communication subject matter experts, it is exceptionally bogus to say it. Notwithstanding this, the hypothesis has kept on becoming on the web as individuals race to apply it to their own relationship photographs via virtual entertainment.

What Is The Pulling Man Game on Tiktok? A viral TikTok frenzy known as the “Pulling Man game” cases to have the option to precisely depict the functions of a relationship or marriage utilizing something many refer to as the “green line test.”

As indicated by the hypothesis set forward by the Twitter client @alpharivelino, a great deal might be found out about a couple’s relationship by seeing how they stand when together. Do they rest up against each other, stand separated, or basically straight.

Most of the time, the person is pulled more towards the lady, which suggests that he is powerless, sincerely dependent, and needing the lady.

On the off chance that the lady is standing straight and strikes a strong, free posture by standing erect, she is believed to be strong and confident.

Regardless of how conceivable this hypothesis appears, Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh, an expert in emotional wellness and connections, says it is an erroneous speculation.

As indicated by her, photos are scarcely ever real, particularly while managing celebrities. In spite of the fact that non-verbal communication can uncover a relationship’s quality, a solitary picture is deficient.

How To Play Project Playables New Game The Pulling Man? To play Project Playables’ new game, The Pulling Man, it is fundamental to have numerous pictures of the couple whose elements you are attempting to learn.

In each image, define a straight green boundary over every individual’s stance and recognize who is sitting upstanding and who is inclining toward the other.

As per different TikTok clients, the person who sits upstanding has an impact in the relationship and is predominant and in control. The reliant, subordinate, and delicate individual in the relationship is the person who leans toward their sweetheart.

Be that as it may, this hypothesis has been closed somewhere near specialists in connections saying it isn’t exactly evident.